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Old 27-11-2018, 05:07 AM
Convolution Convolution is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 100
Originally Posted by gemini
Hi everyone,

I'm really hoping someone can help me with this, or at least point me in the right direction to get some help. For over a year, I've been telepathically communicating with spirits/entities/extraterrestrials. They are just awful to me, and I want them to leave me alone. My whole family thinks/thought I have schizophrenia, and it's completely destroyed my life. I'm back living at home now and feel unable to keep a job, drive, or do anything remotely normal because of their constant interaction/thoughts.

It all started when I started watching Bashar/Abraham-Hicks. After watching many of their videos, I came across one where a woman asked about whether she had ET contact, and Bashar said yes, and that you can tell by the energy. And that many people actually experience contact.

So I thought, why not me? And with that in the back of my mind, I started researching different things about the nature of reality, and ended up going from being a hardcore atheist to someone much more spiritual. Eventually I had my first encounter with them telepathically, and while exciting at first, they began to tell me things like I would burn in hell, that we are in a simulation, and a number of other things that freaked me out. Eventually they convinced me I was talking to God, and that God was somehow the "ruler" of the simulation we exist in. Sounds crazy, but when you have telepathic entities sending thoughts and feelings...

I believed them, and ended up getting hospitalized because the police found me crying on the street, praying to this God to spare me like the entities/"God" told me to. I was in the hospital for over two weeks, because during that time they kept having me try to run away and convinced me of all kinds of crazy things, they transferred me to the psych ward.

Then for pretty much a year I went back and forth thinking I actually had schizophrenia (since this interaction was SO unlike Bashar, Abraham-Hicks, and any other channelers/interactions I had heard of) so I thought I must actually be crazy. But then things would happen that were too much to be just plain old schizophrenia. Especially since I don't actually hear voices, but instead have thoughts sent to me.

To make the rest short, I've been hospitalized in the psych ward over four times the past year and even went so far as to pour boiling hot water on my feet to try to get them to leave (it's a long story as to how I got there). But seven months later, they are still here... Sometimes they will be nice, but most of the time they are just awful and say means things like calling me evil, pathetic, and a bunch of other things.

I just want my old life back... I want them to be gone! Can anyone offer any advice or let me know if you've ever heard of anything happening like this?

I know about praying to benevolent entities, like Jesus, Archangel Michael, etc., but when I ask them for help, nothing happens, and the entities just taunt and provoke me the whole time, making it difficult to stay focused and not get upset. I'm really not sure what to do anymore.

Thank you for reading!

People with Schizophrenia are not crazy. Have you considered that perhaps you could have Schizophrenia? Did you try any form of treatment? Schizophrenia may involve sounds, images, emotions or just thoughts. They come in a variety of ways. I imagine one of the differences may be that, if you do make actual contact with other entities, you could gain new information about things that aren't available to the normal person, and that could be studied for its empirical validity. That would be a very interesting way to find out. If you do turn out to be channeling, perhaps you could also learn to create something wonderful, or at the very least find a form of controlling it.

One spiritually inclined theory I read about is that, thought many may be schizophrenic, there may be some who are actually interacting telepathic with some beings. But that those beings are usually discarnate spirit, and since they are hanging close enough to the physical plane to interact with you, they may tend to be more malicious, more physically inclined. Those with denser vibrations, if you will. That could explain why they seem to not be very nice, if it happens to not be linked to Schizophrenia.
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