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Old 07-11-2018, 06:38 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Originally Posted by Sapphirez
inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what? the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is. besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Everyone of us should do whatever they believe to be right, and this is valid not only for diet.

In domains where we don't have personal expertise it is quite difficult to form an opinion about what / who is right, but we should apply common sense.

One of the sources for health recommendations I peruse is dr. Mercola.

He wrote several articles about fructose, and if you're interested, you could start with: Surprising Health Hazards Associated with All-Fruit Diet

This is its abstarct:
Ashton Kutcher recently disclosed he suffered pancreatic problems brought on by following an all-fruit diet adopted in preparation to play the character of Steve Jobs in the upcoming film “Jobs.” Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011

Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is why eating a small amount of them is fine for healthy people. However, many benefit by restricting their fruit intake due to its high fructose content

Research suggests fructose may have a particularly significant impact on pancreatic cancer, as pancreatic cancer cells have been shown to use fructose for cell division, speeding up the growth and spread of the cancer

As a general guideline, I recommend limiting your total fructose consumption to 25 grams of fructose per day. If you suffer with any fructose-related health issues, such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, obesity or cancer, you would be wise to limit your total fructose consumption to 15 grams of fructose per day. This includes fructose from ALL sources, including whole fruit
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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