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Old 22-08-2018, 09:28 AM
57tcjc75 57tcjc75 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 186
Inika, my "warrior gene," reacts, perhaps you meant with sincere intent. The face to face online is missing & tone inflection.. so I apologize. I am a kind person, & thinking of the "warrior gene," theory I have met angry people in my lifetime who I don't think have the "warrior gene." Not saying you are angry..
I don't think I am angry person, but I do "react" to something quicker than some.
I honestly feel at this time of my life I am very focused, there is a lot going on & I am care taking a relative as well, so I am very centered with direction.
However, with the latest t.f. around, I feel he is not as focused in doing something about, his life. I have to be careful to keep on my track........
& in that regard I can "hear you," as I do need to keep him shoved back enough to not derail me.
I think for the moment, "today," it's about trying to not think black & white that perhaps things can still, "move," within near me however, I find myself side tracked as to momentum as to what I was doing/wanting to do.

Your comment.. I am contemplating.. yes I need to stay on my own journey & it is important to me to do so.
He is not directed enough in his own path & pulling too much energy from me.
This one is one of my 7 t.f.'s..

Just to add, one thing different about this particular twin flame/twin soul site, is that after just a day or so one cannot delete their posts.
In the past, I have written on the journal part of another forum, for several years during several of these close soul connections.. I was so devastated during the first 2 endings, eventually I ended up deleting a majority of what I had written.
With this latest connection.. I feel he is the last of the men I am consciously meeting in my primary soul group. When I write I cannot delete now some of what is written.. & he is the, "completion," person, the "grand son," person of the family (he and I are same age but each of the ones I meet it is as if they have this, "place," in my eternal family from beginning of time. As we meet we are coming into the, "fullness of," The Glory of God.

I truly believe the world is headed to a tipping point, that planet X is near, ready to do the pole shift, soon (very soon).
Key people are in my life that we would be able to help each other.. it's a sense of completion, ready to uptick to higher dimensions.
I do get where, people have to continue to live, to set goals in the way they do during one's life at least until they are ready to die .. or be transformed.
The pull is so intense right now, living so near this one, with easy access.
It was a happenstance meeting, as I've shared. I've met 3 t.f.'s (my twin ray, as well as some other soul family)where I live over the course of 20 yrs.. part of my soul group.

I feel my shifting of highest self is having to shift down a bit(so he can catch up), to help pull latest t.f. through.. I can't loose myself in it, so I'm trying to work it (as much as I can together & to gleam for myself what I need too) our highest selves.

Just to add another, & I appreciate admin. letting me know about the potential journaling is not what the forum is about.. ok.. that's fine, I didn't see that part in the one section of rules or if I did I don't remember that part..

Something I feel God has shown me too.. is that one's journey.. on this earth, when the shifting comes, to me it's heaven.. that one's life work, will carry on, there. Now I don't KNOW, & I'm not even sure exactly how that is, yet I feel I have seen WHERE I am going to be, and the closest of my souls.. It's as if (?) we can continue doing what we love doing in heaven.. purposed for a greater cause. To continue to work on self, yet evolve, in light, love, reuniting with soul family, from beginning of time, not on my watch but God's (HIS TIMING), is what it's about (imo).

Again, I appreciate being able to write at this forum, & knowing that one can't go back in & edit/ delete (after a short time).. I have hence shared some of what I consider the last chapter of my story in this earth as is..
Each connection is like a chapter..
God Wrote The Book of Life. So, this is not my book, the stories.. we share, it's HIS. That's why each time I keep trying to write,
something happens... (God's Story/ His Book/His Timing) :)
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