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Old 08-01-2007, 07:12 PM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by ljepotica
Hey all,

Ok to answer your questions:

It just happens out of the blue and this ability is something I hardly think about, it's as random as you walking out of your house and turn the corner and suddenly see a packet of candles on the floor-you weren't thinking about these candles, you had no idea that they'd be there on the floor and they're just there

It happens as soon as I meet/see a person...sometimes I can tell in a photograph of a person.
I need to see the person first to be honest:)
When I see them I have no preconcieved ideas of how they are like before them-for example a friend of mine will be telling me of her boy-friend who I've never met before and when I finally meet him I see the animal aspect to him...

But I'm not sure how to use this ability to be honest-I mean what do I do? How can seeing someone as a "panda" help me to help them
It's all a bit confusing

Thanks for your replies people,

Lots of lovely love



WOW, what an ability! lol

It sounds as though you could be focussing on their energies, which is why you see them?

For example.... if a person walks past and I pay no attention to them, their energies go unnoticed. But when I look at someone and start thinking about them, I feel something? Maybe it's a similar thing with your visuals?

With love and light,