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Old 14-07-2018, 04:40 PM
Moondance Moondance is offline
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Originally Posted by r6r6r
The points are self-evident irrespective of whether you choose to acknowledge them.

We are embedded in relativity of all kinds of dualities. And all dualities have a third aspect to them as I presented in reply to Shiva.

Read and reread to you grasp and accept those for what they are, Truth and not misleading statements.

Please share if you have any evidence of my statements not being true or misleading.

Non-duality only exists in the metaphysical-1 mind/intellect/concepts of the beholder. I.e. kinda of like the monkey with hands over eyes, ears and mouth.

Whats the point of monkey that ignores truth and the enviromental reality that surrounds every particle and every entity of Unierse?

That is the point. Head in hole in ground is good from keeping head out of sunlight of enlightment ergo the sun or information cannot tan or burn their head as long as it remains in hole in the ground.

360 degrees has at minimum 180 dualities of diametrica polar opposition and that share a common neutral axial point.

-4 > 0 < 4 ergo a threeness exist with every duality except in the most cosmic case of cosmic spatiality.

Macro-infinite non-occupied space >< Finite occupied space Universe.

At best we can say that the inbetween space is gravity and/or dark energy, but as soon as we state that we have entered occupied space zone.

I'm sorry but I try my best to follow rational, logical common sense pathways and express them as I sees them.

If other choose not to see, ignore or follow rational, logical common sense pathways, there is nothing I can do to alter their choices to be follow irrational, illogical and lack of common sense pathways.

There exist many points and they are all relative ergo relativity is the name of the game in our dynamic{ motion } Universe, wherein humans have most access to static metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts.

Concepts have no color, no charge, not spin, ergo concepts are energyless and are not tainted as is occupied space.

Even macro-infinite non-occupied space is tainted by the dynamic{ changing } shape of our finite, occupied space Universe/Uni-V-erse.

No, the point that you are making is not self-evident because as it turns out it is irrelevant (since no one is arguing about relative dualities.)

The rest of this shows me that you are simply ignorant of the real meaning and implication of nonduality and are looking in the wrong direction - which as I said before, is not found via the (left hemispherical) analytical functioning of mind (with its orientation towards division and abstraction.)

It’s as if someone is inviting you to hear a wonderful melody and you are insisting on a diagram.
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