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Old 14-07-2018, 11:54 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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When it is warm or cool, it is neither hot nor cold.
When an angle is at 45 degrees, it is neither vertical nor horizontal.
When something is in the middle, it is neither on the bottom nor on the top.

I could go on...

Duality only exists when two extremes 'black' and 'white' totally neglecting the infinite 'shades of grey' in between (and there are more than 50 of them). LOL

It is only false human logic which categorises things according to its polar opposite, when there exists a vast array of things 'in between' and the whole inclusion of the subset in relation to any point on the 'number line' between "0" and "1" is what non-duality is all about.
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