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Old 09-07-2018, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Lightseer
All religions and belief systems tell us that God wants us to be perfect. That we are basically faulty and need to strive to get fixed. This is interestingly the only area where all beliefs meet, whether it is a Catholic, New Age witch, occultist or whatever, all say 'God' wants us to make ourselves perfect, find our so called higher self or something similar. Even Satanists strive to be the perfect person, as they see it. It is basically all the same thing in different wrapping.
God made man, man made religion and religion made God. And if those religions are to be believed, if God wanted us to be perfect then he would have made us perfect. He is God after all and surely a little tweak to our genes our something would be relatively simple for his omnipotence.

Originally Posted by Lightseer
It goes like this...

1.You are inferior to higher beings, higher self or god or God.
2. You have to become the acceptable version of perfect (for your particular belief system) to *ascend* (aka be accepted by the beings *higher* than you.
Being inferior is either hard-wired into our heads or programmed by a religion that's controlling, telling us we're inferior and that their way is the only way keeps people walking through the doors. Those same religions will tell you that God/Angels/Higher Self/Overself Loves you unconditionally anyway because that's what God/Angels/Higher Self/Overself does, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Lightseer
But what if that is wrong?

What if we should be striving to be imperfect? (I don't mean the 'soft' approach to spirituality).
Or better yet, why can't we just forget all this ideology baloney and get on with our Lives, perhaps even work out why God made us the way he did? Surely in his almighty omnipotence he must have had a reason for not making us perfect? Striving to be imperfect, aren't we already imperfect so why should we strive what what we already are? I guess realising that our imperfections make us perfect candidates for perfection is probably a concept too far.

Come to think of it, why should we strive to be Spiritual when we already are? I guess man made Spirituality too.
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