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Old 27-05-2018, 05:59 PM
innerlight innerlight is offline
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Originally Posted by Tomma
I think there is a misunderstanding, generally, regarding what we actually need and want. What if your life plan was to experience a time of poverty, or a certain illness, or being alone without friends/family, etc? You will manifest that because it is what you want, deep within yourself, in order to learn from it.

If then you try to wish for or manifest money, a good job, health, and other favorable circumstances for a "better" life they will of course not come about, because it's not what you really wanted. Your soul is much more powerful than what you can think of in your conscious mind and will draw you to/into life situations you had chosen to experience. Once you learned the intended lesson these situation will change and dissolve by itself.

For example, I read a story about someone who had incarnated to live the life of a homeless alcoholic person in order to teach others compassion.

I think we have a wrong understanding in regards to what to manifest for ourselves. This doesn't necessarily have to apply to you, innerlight, but it is something worth thinking about.

I can be given opportunities for a lesson, but I will not really manifest them myself without putting the intentions myself out there. Unless we agree on the notion that I have no freewill on earth, and will always do what is made of me. Scary thought.

Let's take your story example here, John Doe's soul wants to live the life a homeless alcoholic person to teach others example. The universe aligns that to be so. John meet's Pete, and Pete offers him a drink, and he falls in love. And can't stop throwing back a few each night. Losing everything in the process... However at any point John could take the initiative and decide he wants to change this, and make a different life for him. He would always decide to stop drinking. Unless we want to accept the reality that his soul will always override that and force him to drink until the day he dies. Which, I am sure, some people end up down that path.

For me, I like to believe in hope of a better tomorrow for everyone. It doesn't serve me any to believe in misery is my only option, and I will always have nothing. Yes, peace can be found in nothing. And that is a wonderful lesson in and of itself.

However, this wasn't about having tons of money. While that is a nice idea. This was more in being able to know the universe will provide for you. I do see, the confusion in what I said in the original posting. Of how I made it sound like it's about having any and everything under the sun. That was not my intentions in it.

So the consensus it seems to be the universe will provide for you.. Anything you need? Whatever that seems to be? Depending on what the universe deems you need? Would that not be a limiting thing of the universe? Like a catch 22. You can have whatever you want.. As long as it's not B, C, D, or any other letter that's not A.

With such limitations does that not diminish the power of manifesting, and of affirmations. You can put out, and manifest something... But it may not work for you. If it's not for you.

Perhaps why I don't really manifest in my life. Seems to be too much "fine print."
Life never goes the way we expect it to, but always takes us where we need to be.
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