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Old 07-05-2018, 05:26 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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I'm Being Messed With

You wouldn't believe it unless you saw It.

I wear a lanyard around my neck with my house key on it and my car key is on a separate key chain.

Today when I got into the car, my lanyard got caught on my seat belt...but it was the way in which it was caught... which could have only happened if the clasp at the end of the lanyard was undone, half the fabric of the seatbelt pushed through it and then the clasp done up again ON the fabric of the seat belt itself...and this all occurred in a split second.

I went to get my clothes off the line and left my sliding screen door open to do so. Now there's a recessed pin, tiny it is, inside the frame of the screen door... where it latches to close and it's not jutting out whatsoever and it is hardly noticeable.

As I walked through the door carrying an armfull of clothes off the line, a top got caught on this pin, but it was the way in which it was caught...One of those tiny pieces of ribbon inside the top, which are used to hang it on a coat hanger got caught around this pin...but the width of the ribbon was about three times wider than the length of the shaft of the recessed pin...and so it remained precariously dangling from it...A slight breeze could have dislodged it, but apparently not me walking by with an armfull of clothes.

I just took the top of a small jar of chili flakes to use in a stir fry and it was as if the lid flew out of my hand when I opened it, found the floor and then proceeded to roll far underneath the refrigerator...On the opposite side of the kitchen.

When stuff like this happens a few times a day, all I can do is sit down and cry, because it's so bloody ridiculous, it goes way beyond belief, I have no control over it and cannot stop it from happening and thus it stresses me out to the max, because I know that something is screwing with my mind and making my life very difficult and miserable for me and I want it stopped...I want it gone.
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