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Old 02-01-2018, 06:28 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
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Originally Posted by Tirisilex
To start... One day in the past I had some anxiety... I decided to use Affirmations to help me with it. o I chanted to myself "I am Calm I'm at peace" and after 15 minutes of chanting my anxiety went away. Now at the time, I didn't really believe in my heart that it would work but it Did. I then also at a later date used an affirmation to bestow more confidence but I knew deep in my core that I believed I was worthy of confidence.

My question is do you need to believe in the affirmation for it to work? I know it sounds odd that I ask it after using it on my anxiety like I did. But I just need to know do you need to believe?
Our physical reality is the result of our beliefs, so to change it we have to change our beliefs.

We should better learn to master our beliefs and thoughts in preparation for the afterlife, where the environment creates thought forms instantaneously.
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