Thread: Pollution Kills
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Old 05-11-2017, 01:34 PM
Starflower Starflower is offline
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Originally Posted by Explorer21
In Malaysia's "Sunday Star" newspaper of 5th November 2017, it says, "WASHINGTON: Renewable energy continues to grow in the United States, despite US President Donald Trump's moves to dismantle clean power, deregulate industry and promote fossil fuels like coal, experts say.
Five months after Trump declared the United States would withdraw from the 2015 Paris climate accord, the Republican leader continues to unravel the environmental legacy of his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama.
A signature piece of Trump's strategy has been to roll back regulations, including the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, which aimed to cut US emissions from power plants for the first time.
But many state and city governments have pressed on with their fight against climate change, and the job force of those working in renewable energies continues to expand nationwide.
"The trend is very clear," added Alden Meyer, director of strategy at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "To fight Trump, the investment and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency have continued growing."

Explorer21, I cannot tell you how happy this makes me to read! Living in what has now become infamous North Carolina due to unkind initiatives such as the "bathroom bill" the general news shared that I see does not highlight the huge wave of disgust with the greedy and grab strategy of the current administration. Often, the news reports the negative sides of things, giving that aspect the most play and attention.

The Union of Concerned Scientists has made a great amount of progress in its programs, growing far more widespread in activity, and so have organizations like World Beyond War and many, many others who are investing their time and energy in making a positive difference. There is a great rise in active groups who stand for a vision of the world that does not seek to possess resources or make money off of all its relationships, but instead looks for new alternatives that are sustainable and ways to work together in the world as a whole.

I was just reading today about two women who started an organization for Jewish women and Muslim women to become close friends. It started with small gatherings, but they all disovered how much in common they have struggling to live in a Christian-thought dominated country. In just three years they have seeded 100 chapters of the group named, Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom.

I believe in innate unity when caring and compassion are facts of life, and feel this kind of positive group action is bubbling up all over the world. Thanks for the good news.
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