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Old 21-10-2017, 08:01 PM
youngnostic youngnostic is offline
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To address some of the things you mentioned later on in the thread sentient:

(or Shiva????)

Yes you have figured it out: The Trinity of Christianity is rightly equated to the Trinity of Hinduism: Father ; Brahma - Son (Logos/or as I call it: Vibration) - Vishnu ; and just as you have intuited: Shiva is indeed the Baptism of Fire that burns all unlike itself and thus unreal. i.e. Shiva is indeed the destroyer but strictly of unreality... or as some love to shout: 'ego'

Once you Understand that the self you perceive yourself to be is nothing but Awareness and that the reality you perceive outside yourself is nothing but a Stillframe within the Animation of the Symphony of Vibration (Vishnu) then you realize there is no room for a self.

It's not without fault that people soon forget their ego death or perhaps ego trip... hehe, but if you recognize the power of Innerstanding you realize that once it is learned it cannot be unlearned... And since there could be no greater delusion than the delusion that there is a self, and it is separate etc... and since the pairs of duality are in reality not mutually-exclusive you begin to free yourself of their clutches by not clinging to them the only thing that's missing is a full grasp of Innerstanding of what non-duality and no-self implies.

The other (more intuitive) approach is to just to remain “unoccupied” (not-doing, not-knowing) and enter the unknown, uncharted territory, the wilderness with nothing but the “antenna” on the top of your head (so to speak), letting the path spontaneously manifest/unfold itself - if it will.
Here the resonating reflections (like echoes of eternity) can be anything (take any form) at any-time and act as guidance and they do have a trance-like, dreaming, non-dual quality about them.

I once heard a teacher say: religions are ladders to the roof... once you are on the roof you no longer need a ladder.

It's true: searching through religion is done to unburden oneself of a burden that can only be unburdened by throwing it off rather than seeking new burdens... and every added burden is a burden indeed.

Nevertheless, while I don't have one Master or consider one being my Master but rather see that every speck of dust, every ant, is equally my Master as the Guru's you spoke of, of the Timeless Past.

To refrain from seeking is to either be inexhaustible in your quest for what the Tao of Silence call's the 'Highest Enlightenment'-- in which case it says on one of it's Monastery's walls: "When you see a student try to seek the Highest Enlightenment quickly hold him by his belt so that his feet do not leave the ground." --
or to come to perceive intuitively as some have indeed have but that is nothing but 'Holy Understanding' when you realize that cause of your pain which is indeed as modern mystics have spoken: seeking is the cause behind not finding.

But should you find yourself an enigma that is inexhaustable and despite your most sincere efforts to embrace non-duality which in reality means not clinging to the world of form for if you acknowledge that everything is one but still seek something from the world of form you are still living within a dualistic paradigm. Now here is where it get's tricky: we can be IN the world but not OF the world. Which is why I enjoy the saying: "Know the Truth: but respect the Illusion."
You simply need to heed a master's words and I was given the permission to share this one:
'Close your eyes and pursue Nothing.

No further instructions are needed to become one with the universe

Since you are simply returning Home'
I know me
and you know thee.
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