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Old 20-03-2011, 02:43 AM
Sarian Sarian is offline
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I heard that trees contained strength energy. I walk and jog on trails a lot, and always felt an affinity with trees...all with nature really, but drawn to trees, old trees. They say when you are feeling weak, to 'hug' a tree, so I guess you can say I'm a tree hugger. :-)

Some days when I would feel full of despair, I would go to my favorite place, but I like to go early mornings, or evenings when very few, if anyone else is around and sometimes I just simply sit by a large tree, (lean on it)...these are my own little experiences. I just know I've always been drawn to trees, and then heard about it, or read it somewhere, but unfortunately, I can't recall where. No particular kind of tree, just so long as it's an older one for me.

I also have always had an attraction/affinity to stones and rocks. I always felt the energy, people would think I'm nuts, but I love rocks. I have a little bit of lake front, so at times I would go there and just lay on the 'beach' and look and feel the rocks. I have thousands I brought home. I get them from other lake beaches as well. It's almost like I become someone else when I am there gathering and admiring them.

Back to trees, I have planted hundreds of trees on my property as well, they are like my babies too. :-)
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