Thread: New neighbor
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Old 25-08-2017, 11:21 PM
HopeForever HopeForever is offline
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New neighbor

This will be short. I was back living at my childhood home and I found out that a supposed love interest in the dream was my new neighbor. We had a short interaction/conversation and I was excited as I thought more will happen...then I remember walking a long time to get to a specific store to get specific food and I went twice and could not find it...I walked back home, felt super hungry and felt like I had wasted my time. I met my mom along the way back and she basically told me I should not go so far to get food...

I feel like this means I don't need to put in so much effort or go so far to get what I want as it will come to me, like how this new neighbor love interest just appeared magically vs. tremendous effort put in the wrong direction aka the store??
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