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Old 23-05-2017, 03:42 AM
Zoclora Zoclora is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Texas, U.S.A
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I know I'm late for the party, but I would like to say this sounds exactly like me.
You see all my life I've been different then others my age. It was either a good thing or like most the time bad. But for a while up till high school, I had friends and a good life. Then my 9th grade year came and that's when every thing begain to change on me. First I started to feel somthing different. It was very strong and confusing. I would feel so many feelings all at once and a lot times it got to much. I started to know exactly where my friends were, what they were doing, how far they are from me and even at times dare I say I knew what they were thinking in their minds. But I never heard words, but I just knew. There is so much more to this story but it would be to long. So long story short, 11th grade came and I lost every thing. When I say every thing I mean it. I had to leave school because I couldn't take any more of the over whelming feelings, I "quit" my job, I lost my three year bf, I lost all my friends. It was like a restart button on my life that was way way out of my control.
Agian long story short, I became more spiritual, got onto these forms (thanks to my guide) and went from thinking I'm a freak to finding out I don't have a human soul and came from els where.
Now this was late and I am sorry. I do hope from the time you have posted this up till now that you have more answers to your life and less confusion. :)
"Love comes in many forms and colors. So why should we put a label on them?"
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