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Old 21-04-2017, 01:13 AM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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I listened to it again (listened 2-4 years ago for the first time) while it's entertaining it doesn't resonate like Zecharia Sitchen's translations of the Sumerian Texts do.
Having done some OBE research I'm satisfied that Lemuria's, Atlantis's and Annunaki all existed. But the order is confusing. Lots of missing information still even with the Sumarian texts which have been translated. I suspect Lemurian were pre - Annunaki - our most natural unaltered human state. Somewhere between the war between Lumuria and Atlantis the Annunki arrived and the gene splicing began.

So the video link is a strange amalgamation between and of things and too influenced by Drunvalo Mechezadecks channelings which get pretty far off the deep end IMHO.
Mars and Martians as how it's depicted in the SpiritScience vid isn't provable OBE. Yes it was inhabited once upon a time, there was a great devastation, but the only thing I can find in the Akashic is that the Annunaki inhabited it for a while as a way station for moving mined gold to their ships, a migration to Earth and interaction with early hominid (Lemurians) I've not been able to find in the Akashic Records.
for a bit from Zecharia. Research more, there are a huge number of backers to his theory based on physical evidence, ancient megalithic sites and further translations. It's very compelling.

If he speaks to slow for you here's the Audio book on the 12th Planet: REMARKABLLE BOOK!

See this link for photos of the vast amount of Sumerian texts and archeological sites to back this version of early earth history up:

There are many many of these video's available on Utube, some interviews you can find have biologist describing the fusing of DNA to create humankind from a primitive bi-ped and thus why we actually have FEWER DNA than monkeys, apes and chimps. Fascinating stuff! Enjoy listening and researching on your own. :)
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