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Old 26-02-2017, 10:27 PM
leilasmum44 leilasmum44 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 75
Cat How to connect with my guardian angel?

Hello you guys. I am really happy i found this forum because most people here are spiritually enlightened and have seen angels and their guides and have connected with them. I struggle with my faith. I was born a muslim on papers i changed to christianity but truly? I am a skeptic. Sometimes i feel a warmth and strongly believe in angels but other times i feel neutral to their existance.
One thing i notice alot is a repetitive pattern of 4's either 44 or 444 whenever i look at the clock or a number plate or numbers. It might be a sign but very vague one
Im not sure what theyre trying to say. I really want to connect with them and communicate with them as clearly as others do but i am terrible at meditation i have zero focus. Sometimes i get in the spiritual mood but then i lose interest but i alwayd get back to it and like to read somethinh spiritual. I hate that i am skeptical. I wish i can just believe. But i feel i need solid proof. Any tips? Can anyone enlighten me about how their journey to connecting witu angels?
Thnk youu
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