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Old 26-02-2017, 07:24 PM
Frozen Ghost Frozen Ghost is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 32
I had and am still having the same kind of things happen to me since March 2016. I think what you're experiencing is not a coincidence, but rather the presence of God around you and the Divine Being letting you know that you're on the right path.

I would like to say that I found Islam, but in actuality, Islam found me last March out of the blue. I began studying it, and reading the Quran. I felt so enlightened and so light inside putting my foot upon this path. It was then, the crazy coincidences started. And some very big and amazing things too. One of which was a very unique apartment complex that my wife and I wanted to move into. We called the manager and was told that there were no apartments available and that there would be a waiting list if someone did miraculously decide to move. Just two weeks later, they called us back and told us someone was abruptly moving out and we could look at the apartment if we wanted to. And no one else on the waiting list was interested! I would say coincidence, but just before the apartment manager called back, I offered the situation up to God and said, if it's meant to be let us find a way in. If it's not, I trust your wisdom to find us something better.

Things like this happened in droves. And they are still happening to me to this day. The guidance, the blessings, the signs, the coincidences and prayers being answered before I even speak them to God. It has been completely amazing. I've never experienced anything like this in my life. And I'm finding that since I started this journey, I seldom ask anything from God. I usually find myself just thanking him for his presence in my life, his goodness, love and blessings. He just seems to handle the rest as it comes about in my life. It's incredible! So don't take what you're experiencing for granted, I believe that it is real and it is a sign to you. When the teacher at the school told you that everything would fall into place in your life once you converted to Islam, I can testify, that is absolutely true.

I made my full conversion on the autumn equinox 2016. I follow a more mystical path of Islam, much like Sufism. And it is awesome.

The only thing for me is, I practice my spirituality pretty much in private. I learned a great lesson many years ago about taking my pure relationship with God into the midst of organized religion ran by men. They all but killed my faith with their man-made doctrines and harsh rules that they thought all people had to follow in order to please God. I walked a lot of years without God because of organized religion. Sure I was spiritual, and experimented with a lot of different spiritual paths. But now the glow of divine love has been rediscovered, and I will let no man or organization tarnish its beauty. Perhaps just keep that in mind as you move forward from here.

I've seen a lot of Christians and I see a lot of Muslims who are distraught and faithless now because some men or man in an organize religion put them through psychological and spiritual hell. For me, I read the scholars, I study, watch a lot of debates, constantly researching things about Islam. But I personally let God guide me into his truth, not the truth according to other people.

And please note, and this is very important: I only say the above words so that if you encounter people or an organization in the future that makes the light within you, that now shines, start to diminish... Hesitate not getting away from those people or that organization. That being said, I would like to say that organizations and groups are generally fine and very pleasant. But sometimes, they can smother the divine flame within with too many human precepts.

You're experiencing something beautiful, cherish and protect it, and enjoy the journey!


Last edited by Frozen Ghost : 26-02-2017 at 09:25 PM.
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