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Old 22-01-2017, 02:30 AM
Deusdrum Deusdrum is offline
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I absolutely believe other-dimensionals can manifest into 3d from 5th or which/wherever other dimension or planes of existence they come from. I base this on listening to several John Mack lectures/interviews, other researchers & witnesses plus my own personal preference, though the latter not counting for much, admittedly. Still it seems likely.

Think of 2d reality, comic books, movies, this computer screen I'm staring at; all products of human ingenuity and creation. Maybe 3d is based off higher/other dimensions blueprints & creative endeavors.

Elon Musk believes and claims it is far more likely than not, mathematically speaking- that this reality is a simulation. Humanity loves gaming and is already making pretty significant strides in devising VR worlds, I've heard the theory each world is like a macro-microcosm of having been created and then creating universes/worlds of their own, and on & on down the line, like an infinite fractal.

Mind, consciousness, matter, is potatoe-potattoe to me; things like books, houses etc. exist first in the mind, then in the matter.

My take anyways, interesting question though. I think there is a time element to it also, which may be stating the obvious. Synchronicity abounds when it comes to the ufo / alien phenom, which is all about timing the way i see it.
What are the stars, but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing? - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
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