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Old 06-01-2017, 11:48 AM
Baile Baile is offline
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Originally Posted by Snow Goose
I understand where you are coming from Baile but Anthony Peak's work is really interesting
Thank you for that. I see he is adapting/exploring the works of Huxley and JB Priestley, that's certainly of interest to me.

The common thread in both religion and the esoteric spiritual path, is that our salvation (the descriptor religion uses) or enlightenment (the spiritual descriptor) is primarily dependant on one thing: our coming to terms with our flesh and blood material selves. The difference is religion describes our humanness as sinful, as something to be avoided, and instructs us on the need to forgo the material body, and its wants and needs. Whereas spirituality outlines the higher realities behind why we incarnate in body form, and explains how experiencing our material-body reality to the fullest, is in fact the consciousness path to understanding soul-spirit reality.

21st century imaginations about The Matrix as well as all digital-universe concepts, are fun. They're awakening-consciousness fairy tales. And like fairy tales, they're reflecting a dream-world depiction of various aspects of both the flesh and blood reality of human life, and the soul-spirit reality of the eternal soul.
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