Thread: Blood test
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Old 09-12-2016, 01:58 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Mogenblue, yes you must get out and walk!
There must be somewhere nice to go, not just streets. Are there some lovely green spaces where you live or nearby?
I wouldn't like it one bit if I couldn't go for a walk every day. Woods or green places. Even if I am ill I have to go out.

In late summer 2012 I had a complete blood test run.

All the values were 'normal' including B12, vitamin D etc.
Except for one thing. They found that there were a lot of immature large red blood cells. When everything else was eliminated which could cause that, the only conclusion was that I had suffered recent massive bleeding (which I hadn't).
At the time I was grieving for a loved one who had died of massive haemorrhage.
The doctor advised that we should re-run the test one month later, which we did. The results of that test were all normal.
Something other than only physical going on there....
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