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Old 26-02-2011, 10:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Honza
Are you asking what are the basic principles of belief which all people share before they turn into religions?

I guess that is part of it...I was kind of thinking outloud and probably didn't word my post in the best way.

To me it seems that just about all religious systems start at pretty much the same place and then progress into a system that try to explain what they believe in or why they believe in a certain way and some even develope laws and rules pertaining to the proper way to practice that system.

A person who developes their own personal beliefs are kind of starting at that same place. Over the years we have seen some of these personal beliefs become religious systems as well. It seems that inidividual beliefs are in most cases the catalist that can become a religous system. Therefore it would seem to me that most beliefs start at the same place.

I guess it is just an observation on my part that spilled out into words.
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