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Old 24-09-2016, 05:12 PM
Vintage traveler Vintage traveler is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 105
Reoccurring & Repaeting numbers

A little over two years ago I met a very significant person in my life. It was a very very brief encounter that happened out of the blue. He literally scared me when he said hi; I was in my own world and thought I was alone in the room. When we talked foe the whole 5 minutes (if that) I felt a warm peaceful feeling running through my veins. T was like we both knew each other. His voice, his presence, him familiarity, it was like I knew it alL from another time. The perfect stranger who walked into my life.

Looking back there were signs. About a month before meeting him I was a work; the same place I was when we met. The first sign was my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer the summer before. I was raised Catholic and then shied away as I got older, then saw light again when my mom got sick. Someone left the book Heaven is for real at work and I called them to ask if they'd like me to ship it to them and said pass it on to someone who need it; I read it. A old man who looked like my dad came in for coffee (as he usually did every so often while in route on his usual road trip) said he lost his wife not long before. I flew home for 2 weeks to see my mom and taken her to the beach so she could feel normal again; while on this trip I felt a shift and had a gut feeling an important person was coming into my life soon. I worked third shift shock I typically didn't and their is when I met him. I thought about him everyday ( we never saw or talked to each other since he left, as strangers typically don't know anything about eachitger). I will say he was very eager to tell me hello and good bye before he left. A. Month later I turned 30. 3 weeks later my mom died. After that I had 2 big moved moves and a shift in careers.

So much happened all at once and I couldn't process it all, yet, I think I processed it too deeply.

With all this I've seen repeating numbers. Feathers, butterflies, dragonflies, and reoccurring dreams.

The numbers I see are: 11:11, 17:17, 516, 615, 12:12, 96:96, 444, and 44:44.

What does this mean?

I know there are angel numbers. Is this a sign that I am on the right path? Something big/ good is coming into my life? There are bigger things for me? I feel like I have a mission in life; however, I have no idea what it could be. Every time I think about these things I also go back to this one encounter with this guy.

For about a month everything I would walk into a room the hotel to fix something or inspect a room for check-in the phone would ring once and then hang up. It was strange because no one in the hotel knew which was I was walking into. I was so shocked and scared to pick up the phone then one day I answered it. There was no one on the other line. Then it would happen again

Is this a sign I have a calling? I've posted these events on several different boards in here yet it's like I'm alone.

I just don't understand...
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