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Old 25-02-2011, 01:26 PM
Posts: n/a

can you explain the GFL to me. im curious as to who it is and if you get anymore information on this battle. can you please share it. im involved in it i think. something is going on with me. and right before it happend to me a lot of weird things started happening around me. my world woke up. and oddly enough i was approached by a guy and he told the the battle has began. i had no idea what he was talking about. but something is going on with me. and i want to find out. i see something great i beleave. and i would like to find out.

thank your for your post, it awakened me to my experince a little more.

just in case your wondering where i got my information. you wont beleave me. but right befor this happend the sun came to me and asked me, are you sure you want to go through with this. ( had no idea) but i said yes. he said a prayer for me, then the earth spoke to me. also said a prayer for me. then it seemed the heavens opened up agents my tragedy. watching and knowing why i can speak to them but received no help. i forcefully became apart of a battle over something. this thing is trying to littlery kill me. i can see it. it hates me. it hates god. and i fought very heard to get away from it. when i woke up from physical consciousness to the state that i sit in now. the first thing i wondered was why does evil have the first step in everything here. i asked them this, they preceded to show me. and its not good. i never would have guessed.
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