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Old 25-02-2011, 01:14 PM
Posts: n/a
for one there is a great battle, the Native Americans have known about it for centuries. its amongst the conscious realms of life. within these realms are ways. and the way of are current realm, at a neutral standpoint is negativity, it is much easier to be angry then happy. the light is supposed to take hold of this realm and convert it to light. allowing the love to flow more freely. as it is right know this realm is ruled by negative emotion and thoughts. that most avg person exist in.

the world you think you know about love and light is a lot of work. a lot. your blinded for a reason that you cant do anything about it. life exsist the way it does and untill the right equations are meet life will continue to exsist in this negative pole of the mind. light its self is fighting to convert this pole to more light.

so yes there is a battle, look at it this way. it is thought that mental instability comes from most spiritual presence form bipolar to depression to schizo disorders. if this battle ensues the way its supposed to and the light wins the world will become a place of minimal mental instability's. i see this battle every day for the past year and a half. its happening. this thing that controls the conscious mind while in neutral isnt god. it isnt healthy. it is a ruler of demonic value towards life. he is why people rap pillage and plunder. to fight this consciousness is one move better then to train the whole world.

and most people will never see it. never know about it. never understand it. but life isn't all gold yet, we are still very young compared to most. and we have are struggles as beings that we must traverse. god is there but he cant just snap his finger and let it be. are god fights very hard for us. very hard. iv seen him fight. i know what their up agents. this thing tries taking my life every day. but something stands by me holding me on my two feet. now i dont know who this somebody is. but i can feel him. he is there. he is a being that just wants to help his name is of no importance.

and truthful you can help him. you dont have to study the bible or attend church. he isnt a man of denomination. neither was jesus. they were men of there hearts and love. this is what he ask of you. if you want to help them give your self to there will speak to them aloud and offer your being for the fight of this battle. extend your hand and simply say dad i offer my self to you for are well being. they can use all the help they can get. but they will never just take it. you have to offer your self to them. and nothing in your life will change. it is a fight of values and equations. right + left equal a postive value to coincide in the matrix of life to diminishes a negative value. sounds space aged but its true. karma cant fully develop yet becouse of this negitve fourmula allways countering every individuals moves.

I am being taught to view the world as a very large equations through the (as i put it) the sky her self. she is showing me that everything, everything on top of everything has a hidden value to it. that consciousness us this to exsist. what there up agents is designed as a AI programed to survive is to annihilation of the world. my life consist of values on top of value to try and give me space agents this demonic thing. and he is my thought. he stops thought. tries to create thought. trys to convince me im a rapist. that i want to have sex with family members. this thing is part of us. and only through the Faith of jesus can we truly survive with out it. but what about the rest of the world. they belong to god too.

im an observer of this hiden fight, and you dont have to beleave it. you dont have to see it, your even care. but it is happening and its happening for your kids. and grand kids. this thing rides in on every action design through life, this value diminish the value of light with every action or reaction in the world as we struggle to survive. it creates matrix of information around your life to repel the light. this is why your edgy. or angry. why your blinded to others feelings. this thing is the reason. and its real. but you can fight it

become aware of your self. watch your self. understand your self, this thing strives where thought process is just a reaction. it knows of this day and in knowing so it never revealed its self to the world, to the point to despise any lesson to help us understand this. it is all knowing as is god is. it sees everything. it can counter gods moves. iv seen it. i watched it work. you can not fight it. it is everywhere. i tried. i had to finally realized i was a slave to it. and pray god kicks its ***.

just one night before bed think about it for a sec, and try and understand what it is your offering by allowing god, the universe to work through you for this. for anything. become a conduit you wont even notice it. but the ones that can communicate to the spirits. might see what is truly going on.
just becouse your a faithfull fallower or a full harted beleaver dosnt mean you will be used. you have to give them premision. and chances are if you end up giving them permision your a being of light. your a weapon sent by the stars to open up amongst this realm of life to surpress it enough so god can do what he has to. the world is just waitng for you to wake up. do i dare go so far as to say listian to them scream for help. it is stated that jesus will end up fighting for the next 1000 years over this. lets try to end it now. know where you come from. feel it in your heart. your a being of light of god. of wisdom. your not required of anything but to know your home in your heart. your home with god. regardless of your actions. you belong with him and your hearts know this. your mind and all its counciousness hid this from you through thought and mental manipulaion. but it is designed this way though a being of negitive influnces.
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