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Old 15-06-2016, 07:30 PM
Deep_Dreams Deep_Dreams is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 20
With everything that you have said, to me, it sounds like you went out of body and traveled somewhere beyond this plane. It could be just a dream, but I feel that my vivid recurring dreams are me going out of body to some other dimension. It just sounds so real with the experience of seeing yourself in your bed, being somewhere else simultaneously, the other-worldly movements you were having with your body, the other-worldly types of buzzing and sound that you were hearing and feeling, and that you felt like you were getting an important message.

I really can’t offer you too much of a meaning or interpretation to that, but recently had something similar where I felt like I was being given an important message, but couldn’t interpret it either. I was given about 5 Egyptian hieroglyphics and I knew it was a key that I would use to break a code, and then I was rapidly being shown lines of Egyptian hieroglyphics and I was rapidly going through these lines trying to break this important message. A new few lines were popping up in front of my face what seemed like every 2-3 seconds, but I was keeping up with it quite well. I didn’t feel overworked or nervous, and I felt like I was getting so close to cracking this important message being handed to me then I woke up. In the dream I was comprehending these symbols and getting close, but upon awakening my critical thinking brain kicked in and thought about it for a few seconds and couldn’t understand a single symbol of what was being shown to me. Sort of confusing how I can understand what is going on for the most part, then a few seconds later not at all. So, I think I just missed out on the message like you, but that’s at least a cool OBE IMO

But, thanks for the interesting music on that Youtube channel. I've been listening to the Solfeggio frequencies with relaxing music to go with it for anxiety lately on Youtube, and there is some interesting and relaxing stuff on this channel you provided.
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