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Old 28-05-2016, 01:54 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Whilever you think the voice is 'in your head' then it's not God.

I've only had God speak directly to me a few times, but each time it happened, I have been on the horns of some major existential dilemma and unable to progress in my spiritual development.

I bare my heart and soul to God with a 'please help me...I love you so much' and if the answer leaves me bawling my eyes out with an" OMG!!! Why did I wait so long to ask?? this is perfect and answers everything!!! Thank you!!!"

That's God's voice and not my own mind.
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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