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Old 15-05-2016, 02:44 AM
shadowwolf74 shadowwolf74 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 25
learn to connect with yourself harness your inner power then connect with the upper worlds. with me it was people as well as spirits later on I searched enough internally then worked towards the understanding with connecting after research into various angels that were involved in my life turns out I was one of them in spirit but in mortal form with angelic blood running through me in my spirit and to my body. we all have a different purpose but all in all when you see the purpose of your life it will hit you in extraordinary ways. with me I lived a life wanted to be who I was in my past lives upon this world but later on realized the higher truths of what I should have been doing here through my guides that were always in my life sometimes I saw them in appartion but looked past it and thought wth was wrong with me but always had the desire to do everything angelically but was disappointed at my limited mortal form only to realize that I could still do the same things in spirit upon my time here as I connected with the upper worlds of heaven I learned much and recapped much remembering a lot through guidance of my celestial descendents and later on started to live out my destiny which amazes me and gives me joy upon the present day but gives me a lot to do as my existence here in mortal form is the greatest test as we who are here learn more what its like to be human who are in angelic form but live in physical form as a part of a much higher plan from iad
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