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Old 28-04-2016, 02:48 PM
firstandlast firstandlast is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 941
When I look inside myself, I have a million different self's; with an angle of thought to each one-- At every perspective of myself, I am a different expression of the whole--

At the smallest I am like a sea of sperm swimming among the shadows; but as I grow each perspective, I see that every one of these are trying to work together with the rest-- It is just that, some perspectives appear so different from the others as they emerge, that they do not recognize each other; different personalities emerge with their own emotional triggers and memory complexes and way to view the world--

This, I found to be the nature of every individual; and such arrangements are sometimes well pronounced-- An incomplete world view that requires the support of conflicting views to maintain the whole; in their highest alignment they are in entirety the expression of yourself, in their lowest they are multiple personality disorders, possession, an internal holy war--

In order to unify my self, I had to create a mental model that supported the expression of all aspects of myself, so that they could work together in a cohesive and conscious manner-- Like a government is to the people, so to a mental map is to your self, and a corrupt one will cause injustice, uprising, and conflict-- Thus as a people and as a person, they must learn to work together; and in this working together emerges the most beautiful blossom of paradigm--
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