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Old 14-04-2016, 11:44 PM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarian
I prefer to live in the country so I do. I prefer trail running as to running on tarred pavement, so I trail run. I prefer the company of natural surroundings- Trees/birds/animals. I sound anti-social I guess or reclusive but I can't tell you how much it troubles me to see people destroying whatever they get their hands on just because they can or they are jerks. One beautiful park has a fence to prevent people from tumbling down into the gorges...but people who insist they must litter because it's too much of a burden to carry it back home or to a trash can, so they litter the beautiful park and trails but not only that, they go a step further and toss it over the fence where it cannot be easily retrieved to clean up since they can't be bothered to do so.

As for cell phone, it grieves me to see people with their heads buried in their phones even if out walking with another. While I'm thankful for a roof over my head and heat when it's cold and a fan when it's hot (no ac in the house) but it's nice in the car...I would rather spend every minute I can outdoors in nature. Don't relish the thought of getting attacked by any wild animals or bee swarms, nature can be harsh as well ,but I'm thankful I have beautiful surroundings still to go to and enjoy.

What you said sounds like my life, Sarian.

And yes it is very sad to see litter just dumped in lovely places. I pick it up and bring it home to recycle or burn. There are so many in my area, passing through in cars who think it is cool to dump something out of their car windows....some fast-food or soft drink item that will take 1000 years to break down naturally (or even more!)
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