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Old 10-04-2016, 10:48 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Originally Posted by Lorelyen
^^ I suppose the links were taken out because barrack-room psychology can be dangerous especially to the vulnerable. They can jump to all kinds of erroneous conclusions. It can worsen their situation. I'm no fan of psychology but even arriving at DSM diagnoses usually entails history taking. which in turn needs specialised questions and a completely impartial report of the answers for analysis.

It's difficult otherwise unless one is mentally stable. Perhaps it was thought that, given the vulnerability of a few members here, it might be better to avoid the material.

I know about abuse but as I was able to insulate myself from it (spiritually) to some extent so got back on an even keel fairly quickly. I mentioned elsewhere I think, that that was the basis of my spiritual interests. Others have not been so lucky. But one way it's affected me is that even a whiff of controlling or overbearing from a guy and he's shown the door. Prevention being better than cure in a relationship, I think.

The link was removed because the original poster is a new member and does not have the full forum accessibility to post links yet. Also, for security purposes, we never know what random links entail. That's all. Keep it friendly, folks.

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