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Old 05-03-2016, 07:00 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Why do we not all "See the Tunnel"


I thought I would start a thread on this topic of why when some of us have an NDE that we do not see the "Tunnel or White Light" yet it can be in many cases proved we have had a death event.

We often report "seeing" our body and being outside our body. Yet we just sit there and nothing more happens. Now as we have a very powerful brain and logic centre that could play a role in blocking what we remember. We too are shaped by our belief system and being outside the body to the brain is not logical so could be dismissed.

I have over the years spoken publicly about NDE's and attended many events where people share their experiences and memories. Read so many books on the topic an still do not have an understanding of it all. As a Medium I know that when I cross over someone that is in "Ghost" place of being that Earth Bound mode that there is a "White Light" that opens to me, and they go over. I do not get to see more though than a light. At time I do see one's waiting for them to go in, but I never get to see in.

I have talked to many that have had a NDE and they had the Light and they felt that place of peace and came back in and are so unhappy that had to happen. The place they went was so HOME for them they wanted to stay. Some are bitter til they finally do get the death event that is final. Others learn something in staying living even if that life is one of many struggles.

I have always wondered why we are taken at times and we do not get to fully complete the dying process. I remember with my Dad telling the Dr. the actutal time of his death, yet for hours they still worked on him. Why? it is what they have to do to try and save someone. Yet he was gone I felt that from him at that time of his death. He had crossed over. It is in this place that Dr's at times can pull you back, and I do wonder on doing this at times. Many times you come back not whole and in a vegetative state.

There are one's that tell of having a Soul Transfer take place, now the Soul leaves in death and if your pulled back in you need a Soul so are you given one so that you continue on ? That Soul you originally had might not be able to come back in as it has knew knowledge with it maybe.

I have always wondered on the death process but I am in no rush to have it fully happen. I too note that Spirits that come to me can not tell me much about the whole process, mostly I get the reply you will know in your time. Why is it all so forbidden ?

Thoughts welcome on what the Light is and the Tunnel is and why we do not all get that part of the experience. Is the "Tunnel" that holding place where it is decided if your "done" for good ? Is there a higher force that has a say in this or do we control our own fate ?

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