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Old 01-03-2016, 02:37 AM
SemperVI SemperVI is offline
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I too got an impression there was something else motivating your consideration. I'm not convinced it is a political statement more so than you taking a personal stand perhaps to spite that which you find undesirable.

Having said that - I believe you are what is referred to as a seeker. You have a lot of questions you are hoping to find an answer for. In this spirit - I think that is awesome and you are in a great place. As for deciding the direction you need to go - I would simply encourage you to follow your heart. The steps you are taking is a great first start in talking with an Imam. If your heart is pointing you towards Islam - then jump into it with both feet for yourself with the understanding this will have a tremendous influence on your future. As others have suggested - this is your journey and I would not go out of your way attempting to bring your family and/or friends along with you on this journey until you better understand yourself and the faith you wish to practice. At the end of the day -- this decision is solely about you and the relationship you wish to build with God (English translation). It's not about making a statement to your sphere of influence.

Good luck and enjoy your journey
Sapere Aude,

A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has not overcome them.

-- Carl Jung
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