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Old 11-02-2011, 04:32 AM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but I may be able to shed some light.

Firstly, a pendulum is a divining tool. It can be used to detect energies or answer questions. It is used to gain information which may or may not then be used for energy work such as healing.

When attuning your own chakra, you want to encourage energy flow. I have never heard of anything like this before but I suppose you could use a pendulum as a sort of vortex or energy cone to somehow facilitate this. Sorry, little rabbit trail there, you want to concentrate on removing blockages like negative energy, rigid thought patterns, or any type of resistance. Imagine the chakra opening. Opening your chakras allows you to channel more energy through them, making you more potent in their respective aspects. Keeping your chakras balanced means not concentrating too heavily on one or two, and not forgetting any.

When working on other peoples' chakras, you have two main considerations:

First you need information. Your pendulum can help you here, or any other divining tool, or you might project your awareness into their chakra, or use your hands to feel energy. Basically any method that works for you.

Secondly, you need a regiment of energy work to perform based on that information. You can work to remove blockages, similar to what I mentioned above for your own chakras, you can concentrate on specific emotional patterns that may have been identified. When working on other people always use 'their' energy and never your own. Generally I wouldn't even do that. I would use some other energy based on my observations of the subject.

The healing process can be delicate. If someone is at a very low vibration they won't respond well to energy of a very high vibration. Its like the bright light coming on in the dark, we just want to hide our eyes. So you use an energy that more closely matches their own and bring them up slowly. You can also use the energy of an idea or emotion. You can channel Love or Joy or a 'peaceful' energy if you feel that it might help.

I'm not sure if I answered the original question in there somewhere or not but hopefully that helps.
With Love,
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