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Old 16-02-2016, 03:32 PM
Tanemon Tanemon is offline
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I'm not a hardware/software techy at all. I've simply learned to use computers to do what I need or want to do with them.

So I wonder if there is an explanation for the problem we've each experienced that has to do with the SF site. Because I can't really say that I've been having this issue with other websites. I'm a member of something like a dozen forums, and I'm not experiencing the issue on any of the others I've been visiting.

I don't say it isn't a good idea to clean out my web browser's cache. But why is this absolutely necessary to do so often to make the New Posts functions work, here at SF - when it does not seem necessary elsewhere?

Thanks to the techies who are trying to solve this issue. I appreciate you.

Although I do think it would be great if the issue could be resolved, technically, I don't mind the little chore of cleaning out the cache all that much. This is still a good web forum, and I still appreciate and like it.
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