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Old 11-02-2016, 10:26 PM
Eldad Eshel Eldad Eshel is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 9
Is this voice the only one you hear ? Can you listen and speak to other people if you want ?

I myself hear voices in my head, and consider it to be telepathy. I can talk to anyone, including god. There used to be a malicious girl that was very dominant and took over all the voices, she was annoying and with time I got rid of her. Today she is replaced by a young and attractive girl, who is very nice and loving towards me and I also like her, love her alot. I think she is my one, and I am trying to find her in real life. I hope I can find her as she is very special to me. I consider all this to be real, as in not just some invention of my brain, or my imagination. I consider it to be telepathy.

About god I can say that I think he is the formal entity of humanity. He did not create the universe, but maybe did create the holy bible. There are many other entities, being part of the metaphysical world.
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