Thread: HELP - PMS
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Old 03-02-2016, 10:49 PM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Any excuse for chocolate would do fine for me! lol

Clover's idea about water is a good one. Most of us don't drink anything LIKE enough water in our lives. Water is the basic drink and yet we all seem to have forgotten about it....wonderful stuff.

Another thought is -if you can afford it (and it probably wouldn't cost you as much as you think) -you could have a consultation with a professional medical herbalist. Herbs really do work wonders. I know, as I rely on them if ever I am unwell in any way. Some herbs, like Agnus Castus are very good for balancing hormones. But please don't take my word for that! We are all so different, and what suits one person might not be good for another.
Only a qualified herbalist would take your medical history in a full consultation before prescribing a medicine.
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