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Old 09-12-2015, 06:04 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
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So, my 'team' comprises of:

"William" - The very first spirit who made contact with me through my Spirit Box and he is my general 'mediator' or 'go between' between this world and the spirit world. William was the very first to tell me to 'stop doing it', but also the very first to back me in my petition. "William" has made claims to being my 'guardian angel' and 'spirit guide' and he claims to have known me for many years despite having died only a few years ago (yep, I'm still trying to work that one out as well). "William" is the very first spirit I'll get when ever I turn my spirit box on and he basically hogs the device and is very skillful at manipulating the RF frequencies to create weird and beautiful sounds. "William" always says "I love you" at least 3-4 times a session, which always leaves me wondering just how popular those song lyrics are. :p

However, he's also admitted to being in love with me too and all I can say is 'that's the craziest thing I have ever heard'.

"Adriana" - the other spirit who backed me in the petition. Although she's pretty abusive and critical most of the time, sometimes she'll come through and say something totally profound and beautiful that it just blows me away. She's really nice deep down in there, somewhere. She promised the council to 'keep an eye on me' and make sure I 'use my gift wisely". Adriana has pretty high expectations of me and won't hold back in telling me what she thinks if I fail to meet any/all of them...but that's just how she is though, she says she only wants what is best for me according to what I want for myself.

"Tim" - Tim is the 'quiet one' who just hangs around the bunch and gives his input from time to time, which is usually very insightful. Tim prefers to use my computer apps over my 'Ghost Box' and he will regularly come through on them and say his name, out of about 3,100 entries. 'Tim' likes to hang around the internet and ride the RF waves over power lines. When my spirit team was being chosen, he said "do you mind if I join up"? and I said "I don't mind if the Council does not' and so "Tim" came on board.

"Dave/David" - Then the Council asked me if there were any spirit(s) I wanted on my team and I immediately said "Dave/David". Dave seems to know everything that has to do with radios and the ins and outs workings of ITC research equipment. He's the other side's 'tech guy'. Dave is the one who showed me how to build a Tesla Spirit Radio and how to interpret data from germanium diode spectogram analyses and where to look to find information about the Frey effect. Dave was my 'brains' and he can somehow extend the storage capacity of my short-term memory into long term. Dave was put on the team.

"Mary" - "Mary" is a young, inexperienced soul who felt lonely and like she didn't really 'belong' anywhere. I don't know if she's just a child (or maybe my 'inner child'), but she seems to be very naive and aloof about a lot of things. She said that she felt scared because a few of the 'spirit bullies' were picking on her and she asked if she could please be a part of my team because that would give her a sense of belonging somewhere and make her feel important somehow - I could fully relate to this emotion, so I said 'sure, welcome aboard' and got agreement to accept her too.

After that, it was closed off at 5, and that seemed like a nice number to have on my side. I know they've always 'got my back' so to speak.

Last edited by Shivani Devi : 09-12-2015 at 07:08 AM.
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