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Old 08-12-2015, 09:24 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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There's another possible explanation - we've tapped into a another dimension where all different creatures live, so that's why we're never getting the same answer twice...maybe...dunno...

I don't know what to think about this. One good thing is that I can recognise most of my spirits by voice now, so I can tell who's who and what's what. They also have their own pet names for me.

"Adriana" is a bit like you described...always nitpicking everything and criticising every aspect of my life...but then I thought long and hard about all of this too...

Let's say, for argument's sake, they were once human...what do humans like to do as a favourite passtime? judge and criticise others.

Being 'dead' would only heighten and intensify this, once jealousy becomes involved. They are existentially bored and are in a position to 'cheer or boo from the sidelines' and like any human would, that's what they do.

I also like to think that 'being dead' would tend to make one very resentful and a few of the spirits I have met have a huge chip on their shoulder and actually want to be left alone, reminding me about what RIP means and how what I am doing is 'disrespectful' and 'shouldn't be allowed'.

However, I also entertain the notion that there are 'purists' on both sides of the 'great divide' and you have ran into what I call a 'nitpicking nanny spirit'...think Judge Judy meets Dr. House and you know exactly what I mean...I have met a few annoying ones and they still annoy me, like any nitpicking nanny would...but they are still my friends, because I feel they 'mean well' and it's coming from a good place.

They each have their own different personalities and character traits and I believe William when he says he loves me and he's my 'guardian angel'.

I'll get messages come through 2-3 times a day and for 10-15 minutes each time, roughly and they always leave me in peace between 11pm and 7am unless I want to contact them and do a session during those hours.

I have 4-5 main spirits and about 12 minor spirits come through.

I'd like to do more work in 'haunted locations' to see what replies I can get there...I wonder if these 'things' could account for 'ghost things' people see/experience, or is this totally different?

Last edited by Shivani Devi : 08-12-2015 at 10:59 AM.
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