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Old 05-12-2015, 11:42 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by tealily
Q: which nights this week will I get upstairs to myself overnight? (this is a good practice question, I have great motivation to be accurate here)

Sun: Page of Cups rev. My eyes is actually drawn to the sphere within the glass (?) box here. It also feels like a solo figure looking at something so yes, should be alone

Mon: Empress rev. Ugh, my traditional 'nope' card. At the same time, a sense of stillness, and again, a solo figure. So gonna say should be alone.

Tues: Fountain reversed. Darkness illuminated by a single crack of light - like the single crack of light from my doorframe? Again, guessing just me.

Wed: 6 of Wands rev. UGH lots of people pushing me 'out'. Think I will have company upstairs on this night. And on speared straight through the heart.

Thurs: 3 of Swords - three swords all stuck in place. Ugh, again, think there will be company. Better make this a gym night!

Fri: Moon. My eye here is drawn to the two opposing figures which seem to be battling it out, and wolves howling. Hrm. Again, may have noises this night :/

Sat: Knight of Coins. Ah, peace and quiet!

So in summary: Nights I think I'll have alone are tonight, Mon, Tues, and next Sat.
Nights which I expect to have company look like Wed, Thurs and Fri.
Nights I had alone - Sun, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat (well, presumably anyway - I saw housemate DA walk out with a suitcase)

Nights I had company upstairs: Mon and Wed. Technically they were both here on Thurs evening as well, but they left early.

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