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Old 28-11-2015, 09:18 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Will I get all of upstairs to myself tonight? (aka is my housemate DA staying at his girlfriend's)
* Fountain Tarot

The Lovers - ooh, perfect harmony and bliss. There's a beautiful bubble around the figures pictured so I'm already thinking yes, I will, and I might get a lot done/chill out :)

Knight of Cups rev. OR I might be wishfully thinking about a protective bubble. Grr. This is a card of illusions, so could be a dream situation.

10 of Cups rev. Ugh, the outsider card. This one kind of nails it - a "couple" card, a "wishful" card and then finally one for feeling like an outsider.

I'll try to get as much done now as I can then, I guess :/
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