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Old 18-11-2015, 02:40 PM
yellow yellow is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
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Posts: 380
Originally Posted by keokutah
Guides are right except for when it comes to future predictions, because the future always has the option to change and people have free will which can change the future.
Your guide may be right in the moment, but any given action can change the future from now until then, so do not get your hopes up. Whenever there is a future prediction, realize that there is a 50% chance that it may or may not happen based on all the variables involved.

Also, your guides are always right but you may not be very good at hearing them, so you can hear them wrong and misinterpret messages if you haven't mastered clairudience and clairovoyance and even experienced masters can still misinterpret messages, they just have the skills and know how to be able to translate. 99% percent of the time, it's not "evil" spirits intervening, it's your own mind.

This really sums it up. Great clarification .

I would be inclined to just keep an open mind. What will happen will happen. Your Guide might be informing you so that you are "aware" of the possibility.

i have had that.
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