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Old 06-11-2015, 01:20 AM
keokutah keokutah is offline
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Posts: 562
This is sort of similar to my beliefs.

Aliens did not "create" humans, but they are us in the future, explained both by the ancient astronaut theory and a course in time travel. I think a lot of people know and/or sense that connection but they get it backwards; we did not evolve from ET's or become somehow created by them, they evolved from us, and they are us.

There is a great manipulation with the human experiment, but they have not manipulated us (we have not manipulated ourselves), they have manipulated our reality and time for benovolent reasons - to prevent the world from ending, which has failed in some time frames. This is why so many keep getting predictions of end time that never happens in this current reality. HUGE intervention is happening on a regular basis.

They are us. The ET's who come into host bodies here as starseeds and walk ins, are actually coming into their own bodies in the past. They can't just take over any body, it has to have the exact dna in order for them to project their consiousness into bodies back in time.
The humanoid ET's that everyone knows about, Sirians, Pleadians - they are human, and that's why they look human when you see them. They are more advanced and evolved in the future, which is why they have slight physical differences, for example some races have grown much taller than they are now, some have different organs and life expectancy is much longer.
They had to leave earth for a reason. They are trying to prevent that. Atleast thats my theory.
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