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Old 08-09-2015, 04:58 PM
Aguia Aguia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Germany
Posts: 86

you write:
Ok so for this most recent one I felt very heavy. Like as my body was trying to separate I felt weighted down
This is quite normal. When you come out into the layer which is nearest to the material or earthly layer, you feel heavy. It is because your astral body is still "soaked" with the etheric energy (ether, fluid, prana, od, whatever - in literature you find many terms for this matter or energy which is a kind of matter between the material and the astral matter). The etheric energy is your vital energy, which flows through your body. When you separate from the material body, a part of this matter comes with the astral body, and because of this the astral body is heavier. The etheric energy which goes with the astral body is connected to the physical body through the silver cord. When you go from the etheric state into the astral state, the etheric energy is drawn back to the physical body and your astral body is freed from it. When you succeed to come out of the etheric state, you will be able to fly and you will feel light. You will even see more and things will get more bright and coloured.
So it seems you have been in the etheric state and you actually succeeded to go out of the body! Because you write:
I know I eventually was able to stand up and I did these weak jumping jacks then laid on the floor
It was as if my astral dream body was thinking it wasn't projecting and was trying different methods to project
I do also remember getting up again and lying back on my bed

You say you were able to stand up and jumped weakly, and then get back into bed. Well, it seems you did all this with your etheric "body" (which is the astral body + the etheric matter). How did you see your surroundings in this state? Was it dark and grey or what?
And by the way, it is possible to go out of the body by "falling through the floor".

The whole experience was very tiring and heavy
I know this. Etheric states sometimes feel very heavy and it is sometimes hard to separate from the body, because the etheric matter still holds tight to the physical. It sometimes felt like I was trying to get out of a swamp or slimy mass.

Well, if you succeed to get into this state next time, try to go around a bit more. Go through the door or something, out into the open. Lets see what happens. There are two main things: if you are in the etheric state and go around, you will at some distance from the physical body get drawn back by the silver cord toghether with the etheric mass, OR you will be in the pure astral state. Just try out how far you can walk. And one thing more: it is especially in the beginning very important to write down all your experiences, in every detail - what has happened, how it came, what you felt, saw, heard etc. It will be your basics later and you will be able to recognize the different states and what effects they have.
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