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Old 19-08-2015, 02:45 AM
powessy powessy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 44
Originally Posted by Holly
I understand (most) of your last post. However, a lot of people around here have also had extremely powerful, persuasive experiences. They'd swear blind their personal truth is true, too. Are they all wrong according to you?

Hello Holly

I do not wish to step on others truths, but I only wish to tell what has been told to me and what I have had been shown first hand.

A soul is divided into two parts the part experiencing(mind) and the higher mind(minds mind) these two pieces are separate and unique, then there is holly's human mind. The higher mind is who you really are in all the many lives you are born to. The part experiencing becomes something else every time you are born again. The part experiencing if allowed to can enter into it's higher mind and become it's self. Lets say I found a way to become myself only after many years of searching within myself. The higher mind is held in what I call a treemend the treemend is like a hair that grows on the head of the soul and is what we enter into when we astral project. The treemend is a holographic 3 dimensional projector of sorts that can be used to find all your lives information or records in. When the soul experiencing enters into itself(higher mind) inside of the treemend you will start to get lessons in things through yourself in how to become your true self in life. I have found myself many times in these experiences and just entered into myself many times, opening my mind and soul to many things around me. The more times I have become myself my true self the more things that try to keep me from doing this and they come from every where.

A year ago I came on line to find answers and when I did something started to find me and tried to become me as in possession. I can see in the veil and I can see them when they are here. I found the more I would ask questions on line the more things that would find me over and over again this I have tested many times. When they come they have always come in two shapes the larger sparteil and then the ones the size of a small fly. When they enter into my crown a treemend or several treemends will form on my crown. The treemends now run from my crown to the arch of my back and are as thick as fingers holding millions of souls within each of them. A treemend can be one as in an individual to millions connected together when the treemend are knotted through the same route they will mesh together. The angels have the ability to find these minds and to project them together forming entire worlds within the growing treemend. Now when I write this and other read it I become something in the readers mind and they find my user name in your mind. The sparteil use your user name as a teleporter of sorts they can just call on your unique name and be with you in just minutes. I know my truth is close because these words bring them running as hundreds have come in just the last few posts.
As for the real truth I think they in the veil will tell me as I continue to become myself.

Originally Posted by Holly
I'm not being mean, just honest.

I believe that honesty is the best policy. I am only telling what I have been shown and what I see and hear everyday

Originally Posted by Holly
What you've posted so far reads like you've been given personal, unique lessons by the universe and whatever entities you work with, seen or unseen, that are designed to teach you, and only you, the next step in your personal spiritual evolution. And you now believe they're facts that should be applied to everyone, rather than subjective learning experiences intended only for you.

If you were to learn to become yourself inside of your higher mind(minds mind) you to would start to see another story unfold.

Originally Posted by Holly
The universe gives us spiritual evolution in small bites, and it always ONLY uses psychological tools and emotional energies that we can understand at our current level of awareness. When we need to raise vibration, we are slowly given lessons in the emotional and mental states needed to dump old, fearful habits and adopt new ones. From what I've read here, I'd say it's obvious you're being given lessons in trust in others, faith in God, and learning greater spiritual responsibility for the whole.

When we start the process of becoming our true selves this process is slow happening over years. We enter into our selves to become ourselves many times to become ourselves only. Vibrations, love, niceness, and all the things you believe that will raise you to the necessary levels is not true you just need to become yourself and then you will be free of the ropes that bind you from who you already are, you just have never met yourself true self.

Originally Posted by Holly
Yours is a fear-based belief in invisible, dangerous entities against which not even angels can defend themselves. It suggests we humans should be afraid for our souls and safety, and encourages us to lose faith in God as well as the good entities out there (even the ones we already know personally and trust,) and to fall into fearful thinking. This is the fastest way to suffering. It will MANIFEST suffering whether your evil entities truly exist or not.

This problem is simple they will enter into the souls mind and start to become you as they block you from ever becoming your true self. I talk to them all day and night long this is the truth they carry with them. Hundreds of them come through here every day being pulled apart and every one of them says the same thing in the programming of souls.

Originally Posted by Holly
I'm not saying don't believe in djinn. I'm saying, nobody should fear that all the angels have gone back to Source and the djinn have taken over. That's fearful thinking and it's an unnecessary form of self-inflicted suffering.

I know you'll probably think I'm just being unkind. I'm not. I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out.

As I have said many times before no one will believe this or understand anything until it is to late if this is the truth. If I am wrong then I apologize but you will never hear this again from anyone else. I believe in the djinn as it is described by those here but have been giving the name others in the veil call them and that is sparteil. djinn is a man made name sparteil is the name of those that are truly familiar with them.

Originally Posted by Holly
There is no one truth in the universe. Reality is subjective - that is, in the eye of the beholder - and malleable like a holographic program under the control of a powerful computer. Belief is part of the operating system. Belief partly drives manifestation. What you believe - you get.

This goes for the djinn your god or the shadow people these truths are subjective, what you believe you get. I was extremely atheist before they started coming but now I am not sure what to believe. I am more leaning towards creationism more and more every day.

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