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Old 19-08-2015, 12:07 AM
Holly Holly is offline
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Originally Posted by powessy
...The angels of this world were taken into the mind of the son many years ago leaving this world without angels...

I understand (most) of your last post. However, a lot of people around here have also had extremely powerful, persuasive experiences. They'd swear blind their personal truth is true, too. Are they all wrong according to you?

I'm not being mean, just honest.

What you've posted so far reads like you've been given personal, unique lessons by the universe and whatever entities you work with, seen or unseen, that are designed to teach you, and only you, the next step in your personal spiritual evolution. And you now believe they're facts that should be applied to everyone, rather than subjective learning experiences intended only for you.

The universe gives us spiritual evolution in small bites, and it always ONLY uses psychological tools and emotional energies that we can understand at our current level of awareness. When we need to raise vibration, we are slowly given lessons in the emotional and mental states needed to dump old, fearful habits and adopt new ones. From what I've read here, I'd say it's obvious you're being given lessons in trust in others, faith in God, and learning greater spiritual responsibility for the whole.

Yours is a fear-based belief in invisible, dangerous entities against which not even angels can defend themselves. It suggests we humans should be afraid for our souls and safety, and encourages us to lose faith in God as well as the good entities out there (even the ones we already know personally and trust,) and to fall into fearful thinking. This is the fastest way to suffering. It will MANIFEST suffering whether your evil entities truly exist or not.

There is no one truth in the universe. Reality is subjective - that is, in the eye of the beholder - and malleable like a holographic program under the control of a powerful computer. Belief is part of the operating system. Belief partly drives manifestation. What you believe - you get.

I'm not saying don't believe in djinn. I'm saying, nobody should fear that all the angels have gone back to Source and the djinn have taken over. That's fearful thinking and it's an unnecessary form of self-inflicted suffering.

I know you'll probably think I'm just being unkind. I'm not. I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out.
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