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Old 22-07-2015, 12:21 PM
LibbyScorp LibbyScorp is offline
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Awakening to Energy

All of this used to sound like a huge pile of hippy mumbo jumbo back in the day :) It has been about 4 years since I have first started what seems to be an evolution in my yoga practice. After a few years of chakra study, exploring Kundalini Kriya yoga has allowed me to open up to higher energetic awareness. A conscious leap into the understanding of what goes on outside the physical body connected to the universe. Now that I have spent some time developing in these things, I am better able to observe and feel each layer of the energetic bodies extending further than just the basics. When I am out of practice for a while, there seems to be an urge that builds inside of me. A fire within. Bouncing with energy like there's some kind of message waiting for me. My hands become tingly, my body is restless and there is no denying the fact that there is action to be taken to relax. Today this happened to me. Today, I reawakened to growth. As I was deep into my kriyas, I felt new energy rising and cleansing. The movements made it easier to flow through the old, stagnant blocks. To open them up and release. I find that when this is a regular practice in my life, tackling the world as we know it in the physical becomes easier. Tapping into this power will bring joy and make you crave a healthier life style. I have been searching for the words to explain these experiences. There are no words.

What is kundalini energy?
"The Sanskrit word, kundalini, means coiled, like a snake. Kundalini energy is not recognized by medical science, and is often little understood even among teachers of Yoga and meditative traditions. It is, however, mentioned extensively in the literature of Yoga and Tantra (both Buddhist and Hindu). Here is the story of kundalini as found in the Hatha Yoga literature , and as I have experienced it: Kundalini can be "awakened" or "aroused" from its "slumber" at the base of your spine by intense meditation or intense breath control practices. Hatha Yoga and Tantra Yoga, in their traditional forms, are designed to arouse kundalini so that the practitioner can use the tremendous energy thus released to increase the potency of his or her meditation and other spiritual practices. The Yoga literature cautions the Yoga practitioner, however, that he or she must undergo extensive preparations before attempting to arouse his or her kundalini. Otherwise it can cause trouble. The yogi or yogini who successfully and safely arouses their kundalini gains a great ally on their spiritual journey. That ally is an energy, a vitality, that smooths the path, that makes the steep slopes easier to climb, and that acts like a sword to cut through inertia and conditioning. In short, Kundalini can change you quickly. It can advance your spiritual aspirations. Moreover, according to authors of some of the Tantras (ancient writings), aroused kundalini energy is essential to a yogin (practitioner of yoga, male or female) attaining complete liberation in this modern distracted age (called Kali Yuga)."

What is kriya?
"The word kriya means action. It is an action that leads to a complete manifestation like a seed leads to a bloom, a thought into actuality, a desire to commitment. In Kundalini Yoga a kriya is a series of postures, breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental changes that affect the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously. There are kriyas that support the liver, balance the glandular system, make you radiant, stimulate the pituitary, increase the flexibility of the spine, and many more. Each kriya has a different effect, but all work on all levels of your being. Practicing Kundalini Yoga kriyas is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for a healthy, happy, and holy life. Using the angles and triangles of the asanas, fueled by the prana of the breath, re-tuned by the repetition of mantra, and concentrated by eye-focus and body locks, you are physically different by the end of kriya. These changes assist the physical and mental preparation of a meditative internal space. This framework for meditation occurs in numerous ways: opening the joints to facilitate sitting, altering the chemical constituents of the blood via glandular stimulation, and redirecting the mind through concentration and focus. Everyone can practice these kriyas on their own. An important aspect of the power of Kundalini Yoga is that each kriya is whole unto itself, a perfect jewel that acts to create a flow. They are perfectly designed sets of exercises meant to produce predictable and subtle impacts on the total Self. Yogi Bhajan emphasized the importance of keeping the teachings as given, with the exception of reducing the timing of postures when necessary."

What are the 10 energetic bodies?

1: Soul Body
•The part in you connected to the Infinite. Your inner infinity.
•Humility, Creativity.
•Key Phrase: “Heart over Head.”
•Mastery: Come from a place of great humility, relax in to the flow of God energy and use it to create beauty.
•If weak: Come from the head instead of heart; feel stuck, not able to access your purpose and creative flow.
•Key to Balancing: Raise the Kundalini. Open the Heart.

The Three Mental Bodies:
2: Negative (Protective) Mind
•Identifies possible dangers or shortcomings in a situation. Necessary for protection.
•Containment, Obedience.
•Key Phrase: “Longing to Belong.”
•Mastery: Gives form to the creativity of your Soul Body via containment, form, and discernment. A longing to connect very deeply with your own God Self.
•If weak: Inappropriate, self-destructive relationships. Over-influenced by others.
•Key to Balancing: Value your discipline. Develop conscious relationships of integrity. Strengthen the Positive Mind if the Negative Mind is overdeveloped.

3: Positive (Expansive) Mind
•Inspires you by showing the best possible results in any situation.
•Equality, Positivity.
•Key Phrase: “Devil or Divine.”
•Mastery: Strong will, use power easily and humbly. Naturally playful and optimistic.
•Good sense of humor. Can communicate directly.
•If weak: Overwhelmed by input of the Negative Mind, which can be depressing and paralyzing. Angry and intolerant, or hesitant to use your own power because of being afraid of the responsibility.
•Key to Balancing: Strengthen the Navel Point (Third Chakra). Use positive affirmations. Strengthen the Negative Mind if the Positive Mind is overdeveloped.

4: Neutral (Meditative) Mind
•Takes the information from both Negative and Positive Minds and decides on the best course of action using unbiased, intuitive knowledge.
•Service, Compassion, Integration.
•Key Phrase: “Cup of Prayer.”
•Mastery: A very intuitive vantage point. Allows access to the soul.
•If weak: Difficult to make decisions. The habit of feeling victimized. A hard time seeing beyond the polarities of life.
•Key to Balancing: Meditate.

5: Physical Body
•The vehicle through which you participate fully on earth.
•Sacrifice, Balance, Teacher.
•Key Phrase: “Teacher, Balance.”
•Mastery: represent the teacher who is able to take abstractions and explain them to anyone. Ability to balance all parts of your life without extremes like laziness or fanaticism.
•If weak: Angry, jealous, greedy, competitive, and ungrateful. Inner and outer realities out of balance. Trouble expressing yourself verbally. Afraid to be in the position of teacher.
•Key to Balancing: Exercise regularly. Teach.

6: Arcline
•The arcline extends from ear to ear, across the hairline and brow. It’s your halo, the nucleus of the aura.
•Associated with the pituitary gland, regulates the nervous system and glandular balance.
•Women have a second arcline reaching across the chest from nipple to nipple.
•Justice, Protection, Projection.
•Key Phrase “Person at Prayer.”
•Balance between physical and cosmic realms.
•Mastery: Ability to focus, to be concentrated, to meditate. Use the intuition of the Sixth Body to protect yourself from life’s stresses and avoid shutting down your heart.
•If weak: Overprotective. Easily influenced. Glandular imbalances leading to inconsistency in moods and behavior. Unfocused and unable to manifest prayers.
•Key to Balancing: Awaken the pituitary gland (Sixth Chakra).

7: Auric Body
•The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. It acts as a container for your life force, bringing confidence and security.
•Mercy, Security, Love.
•Key Phrase: “Platform of Elevation.”
•Mastery: Attracts positivity and repels negativity, like a shield. Illness cannot penetrate to your physical body. Sense of security allows an uplifting presence and treating others with mercy.
•If weak: Paranoid, lack self-trust. Negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body.
•Key to Balancing: Meditate. Wear white clothing made of natural fibers. Work on the Eighth Chakra.

8: Pranic Body
•Through the breath, the Pranic Body continuously brings the life force and energy into your system.
•Purity, Energy, Fearlessness, Self-initiation.
•Key Phrase: “Finite to Infinite.”
•Mastery: Fearless, fully alive, at one with all creation. Nothing can bother you. Self-motivated with enough energy to achieve goals.
•If weak: Constant low-level anxiety and chronic fatigue. Look to food or stimulants for energy. Fearful, defensive.
•Key to Balancing: All pranayam.

9: Subtle Body
•The Subtle Body helps you see beyond the immediate realties of life to the sublime universal play that lies beyond.
•Calmness, Subtlety, Mastery.
•Key Phrase: “Mastery or Mystery.”
•Mastery: Have great finesse and a powerful calmness. Learn quickly and master situations easily. Able to walk into a room and intuitively know what’s going on.
•If weak: Naïve and easily fooled, unintentionally crude or rough in speech or behavior. Restless.
•Key to Balancing: Do any meditation or kriya for 1,000 days.

10: Radiant Body
•The Radiant Body gives spiritual royalty and radiance.
•Royal Courage, Radiance, Nobility.
•Key Phrase: “All or Nothing.”
•Mastery: Courageous in the face of any obstacle. Magnetic presence and command the respect of all who know you.
•If weak: Afraid of conflict, shy away from people’s attention. Feel ineffective and unable to come through in situations.
•Key to Balancing: Commitment. Do not cut hair.

Eleventh embodiment
Eleven represents the sound current, the source of Infinity from which all mantras originate. In this state you can direct the play of all Ten Bodies; eleven contains all. You can direct all parts of your being from an impersonal, expansive space that allows Infinity to flow through you at all times. As Yogi Bhajan explained, “When the God in you, and the human in you are in parallel unisonness, then you are an 11. You have no duality, you have divine vision, and the truth flows from you. You don’t have to find anything outside of you. The jewels are all in you – you are rich inside, you have satisfaction and contentment.”

If you are interested...
The energy that rises can be very intense and sometimes scary if you are not ready and able to flow through it. I know this from experience. So, ya know, proceed with love and caution. Be mindful of your limits. Allow your mind and body time to let the experience sink in before you just keep going on and on. Please have a good understanding of the chakra energy centers of the body before you start. You may feel silly doing some of the breathing techniques and the kriya movements but just know that you are conditioning your mind and body to take it all in. You also may open up quickly or it may take a while. Either way, the benefits in the long run are amazing, life changing.

Awakening to your full potential is one of the most beautiful gifts you could allow to unfold before you.
SAT NAM! (truth is my name)

Beginners Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Meditation

10 Body Awakening Kriya
City and Colour - Grand Optimist
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