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Old 05-07-2015, 04:51 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by metal68
I totally agree Peter; more gibberish about NASA, UFOs, Self Combustion. And yes the writing style is totally incoherent. Im deeply suspicious that it isn't all a big wind up frankly.Somet
Either way it's really derailing a lot of good threads and you aren't the only one getting a bit narked by it. Every reply by this person is the same foot long diatribe. It doesn't do the site any favours at all to people casually browsing. And yes there are vulnerable people on here who may find the posts unnecessarily frightening, although first time I read one of the posts I have to confess I fell about laughing at the nonsense presented. I think it was as much the presentation as the content.
It falls close to the conspiracy theories that are not permitted here.

As the CIA operatives are on all Forums, you secretly ask questions in the replies. Who cares what you propose my awareness means for your evil purpose and I do not care about what you write about my person.

You want me to give you personal evidence about the Christ so that you can form what you believe is a new scientific application relating to GOD....what a laugh yourself...nothing you say to me is real.

Spirit has always been involved in conspiracy for the argument of SPIRIT ITSELF is between an unevolved and unethical human brain condition and a state of spiritual awareness. All evidences support this observation.

Our ancient brother formed a new updated revision of ancient methodology that provided evidence that his evil minded brother was doing occult science of star radiation UFO activated personal spiritual attacks on all life worldwide.

This was why the Roman legion was formed as a new holy brotherhood to deal with his occultist practices....this is about spirit...religion not science or conspiracy. Conspiracy began as a spiritual precept on Planet Earth as an actual argument against our unholy brother and his spiritually possessed mind/brain and evil life choices.

The Roman legion fought our brother and their own holy practices to deal with demonic possession and heal it is EVIDENCE, as is ancient occultist brotherhoods....what spiritual evidence is all about.

The argument on the Forum at the moment is between occultist Scientist...NASA....the CIA and our Father Light channeling information through our holy families spirit who they are attacking both as a mind/contact/spiritual wavelength study interaction as a personal program and also the spiritual family fighting for the spiritual sanctity of our future life on Earth...which is fast approaching a status of self destruction as evidence of spiritual attacks proves.

The Second Coming is NOT A HOLY obvious is the argument you evil minded occultists. CHRIST 1000 years and SATAN 1000 years.

JESUS CHRIST WAS MURDERED 33AD....followed by EVIL PLAGUES...NATURAL DISASTER INCREASES as observations data observed by the Roman astronomical review.....spiritual witnesses of demonic/devil attacks to humanity.

Since when has the spirit of humanity been healed....has the plague disappeared...NO.

Has the DNA healed....NO

Does spiritual attack happen every day .....YES


You stole the HOLY DECEASED BODY OF fu SION...the HOLY CHRIST crystal body embedded in the stone to allow the natural skeletal existence and cellular health to exist.

Why are we suffering from BONE CANCERS? Because the HOLY CHRIST BODY IS MISSING OUT OF THE TOMB....just like the documents state....only the SPIRIT HOLY OX...oxygen is returning...not the crystal wavelengths that are part of the sound/light condition for human health.

STAR a cold radiation that does not allow heat to penetrate.
SUN RADIATION is a cold radiation that allows heat to penetrate....allowing natural light.

EVIDENCE suggests that the POLES not having natural sunlight has a huge cold body laying upon the stone, with little natural life.

Scientists want COLD for a STAR COLLIDER RESOURCE....Earth as an atmospheric condition is not cold enough for a STAR COLLIDER. Scientists want it anyway.

Star radiation has been allowed to attack Earth and burn out the natural crystal fuSION that relates to the Sun interacting with Earth....not stars.


Scientists are trying to replace our HOLY HEAVENLY CHRIST BODY with an UNHOLY HELL SATANIC BODY as a condition.

Evidence of this is the formation of the UFO ships photographed in CLOUD FORMATIONS.

JESUS CHRIST was a written review of the RA EVIL TEACHINGS of the BOOK OF THE DEAD used for the levitation of stone as a building practice.

The updated review of RA was given by the Hebrew/Roman/Muslim communities after they began to get demonically/spiritually attacked as witnessed and data reviewed as astronomical and spiritual events...just as is happening today.

Scientists on the Forums propose that Christ is going to be inherited and that one day the Christ is going to come....what is actually wrong with you?

CHRIST WAS MURDERED by human beings...who purposely crucified the HOLY BODY of SPIRIT. This is why the CHRIST is also depicted in the Old Testament, before the life of JESUS. JESUS was a real living human male human with STIGMATA providing the evidence in his own holy spirit that human beings doing evil science was killing the HOLY MALE DNA all evidences display.

CHRIST is an OBSERVATION OF SPIRIT that relates to TIMED REVIEWS of natural disaster ignitions and also the plague attacks as studied by the Philosophers after human life was gaining attacks FROM EVIL SPIRITS...just like is happening today.


UFO has a strange language/writing also witnessed in ALIEN/SPIRIT/VISION attacks on human cells.

RADIATION forms/causes the strange writing/signals...demonstrating that radiation burns into the tissue to LEAVE THE MARKS of the DEVIL upon the skin.

Hence humanity worldwide have been gaining evil attacks of SCRATCHES and CLAW MARKS this is a STAR RADIATION SIGNAL that burns the SIGNALS and it feels like being a human response to the gain of the evil radiation light and sound in the natural CHRIST wavelengths.

This is what the ANTI CHRIST is all about as witnessed and evidence supporting the evil condition was CAUSED BY EVIL SCIENCE.

Therefore there is NO HOLY CHRIST OUT IN THE STARS....the ANTI CHRIST review regarded that the HOLY CHRIST in fuSION of crystal was being removed by the STARS...which is why the Philosophers had to study the differences of SUN RADIATION and STAR RADIATION as 2 reviews of CHRIST relating to the attack as EVIDENCE OF THE ATTACK.

Evil minds do not agree unless evidence is given...and this is what our holy brother had to do.. Nowadays Scientists seemed to imply that this is evidence to support the CREATION OF CHRIST returning as A HOLY ACT.

Since when is UFO leaving off Planet Earth seen as a holy act...and since when is converting of matter HOLY?

The HOLINESS was given to the condition that DUST was formed because Earth was saved from being irradiated by the Star attacks. HENCE DUST HOLY, should not be touched...and what are evil scientists doing....converting dust...murdering CHRIST as the holy OX the only spirit that allows us to live and we are gaining an attack from the ANTI CHRIST that occult scientists have caused....the burning out of the holy deceased CHRIST in the TOMBS OF STONE.
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