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Old 05-06-2015, 10:12 AM
lenvdb64 lenvdb64 is offline
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One of the requirements to working with Spirit is to learn to work with Energy and be able at least to understand the nature of energy and vibrations.

Angels have a very different vibration to demons.

Mediums and Psychics should KNOW this, and be familiar with vibrations.
Ignorant people who do not know this assume that everything out there is a demon. Such is the nature of fear mongering.

Mediums who receive messages usually connect to a Spirit Guide (We ALL have our own Spirit Guides, whether we know it or not!) who would bring someone from the Astral Plane to deliver a message to communication. Usually your Spirit Guides are contracted to you to protect and shield you from astral entities from the lower Astral planes. If you do not operate with the use of a Spirit guide, then you need to get this in place.

In this plane of reality when we work with the mundane we follow protocols.

If I want to fly a plane, I require some intensive training, and need to study and pass exams.
Then I need to get some practise and gain flying hours.
Once I qualify I can get into a real plane and fly it as a trained qualified pilot.

Now, If I want to work for Spirit, why should it be any different?
I need to learn to become sensitive to vibrational energies of non-physical entities.
I need to develop my required skills whether it be mediumship or other psychic skills. Read up about it, study the topic, do the required meditations, and practise.
Study theory, and practise. Repeat. Keep repeating till I get it right.
I need to practice these skills in a development area that is safe.
I need to become aware of my Spirit Guides and follow their guidance and instructions etc.
Once I am fully trained and skilled in the area of my gift, I would be able to function in this area.

I don't just one day stand on a platform and pretend to be channelling someone who I perceive whose name begins with an "R" who may or may not be an aunt or a mother figure blah blah blah.
This is where charlatans come from.
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