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Old 19-01-2011, 10:02 PM
Posts: n/a
I have never tried hummus before but I did search the internet for veggie burger recipes and found quite a few interesting ones. I was thinking I needed a vegetarian cookbook but there's a lot on the internet.

Juicer sounds interesting and so does the apple idea to sweeten it up. I never was big on greens but I'm going to have to experiment a little. I had a mediterranean pizza last night that was really good with just cheese, spinach and olives.

I've only had meat once so far in the past 5 days. I had a few pieces of chicken with some pasta on Monday night. I actually felt really good the day after I had a little chicken and it's been the only day in the past 5 days I was 'normal' Things have been a bit loose, not sure if my body needs to take time to adjust or what. So far I haven't noticed any strength or wieght loss. I don't want to lose wieght.

Divine, you bring up some interesting points. I didn't think about blood types. I think I'm O positive. I noticed that doesn't show up on my results, just blood sugar, colosteral, prostate, and few other things. Very good advice about listening to our bodies. I also know I need to learn some nutrition 101.

Thanks to all for your suggestions and support. I really appreciate it.

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